Our Early Years British Preschool Warsaw would like to share what has been happening with you with weekly updates! This is what has been happening this week in our Park Szczęśliwicki Campus.
Early Years
In EYFS we have been working on numbers. Using unifix cubes to make 10. Starting with one amount and counting how many more we need to make 10 altogether. Others have been counting out small amounts and matching them to dice patterns. Phonics work continues too, we are going over our letters reinforcing the sounds and names and practicing writing the letters. The children are very happy with their advances in their letter formation. We have also done some lovely art work, making beautiful paper plate sunflowers, adding real sunflower seeds. Do you know what other fruits and vegetables provide us with edible seeds? Have you tried any of these? Do you like them?
Year 1
Year 1 braved the elements this week and great enjoyed working hard on our forest-school based activities. These activities close out this term’s topic of the Great Fire of London. Year 1 have been learning about the ancient building techniques used on Tudor buildings which made them so flammable and this knowledge allowed us to recreated a section of wattle and daub wall using wood sourced from our local park. The children were taught how to safely use the necessary tools and they were excited to put their knowledge into practice. They cut branches to the required lengths and chopped sharp tips in the posts to help us hammer the posts into the ground. Then, we weaved the longer and thinner wattle-sticks around these posts to make our wall. Year 1 proudly presented their construction during Park Szczęśliwicki’s Learning Success day.
Year 2
Year 2 enjoyed sharing their learning experience with you yesterday and we hope you all enjoyed listening to our songs and facts that we found out about The Great Fire of London. Very well done to you for doing so well in our quiz too, you listened very attentively! Next week we have Education Week to look forward, starting off with an exciting trip to the Copernicus Centre.